Dr. Anand Singh

Ecological and Environmental Concerns Among the Buddhist Communities of Ladakh : A Case Study

Dr. Anand Singh holds a doctorate in Ancient Tourism in India with special significance to Buddhism. He is an Assistant Professor in University of Lucknow, India. Dr. Anand has contributed more than two dozen research papers and books in national and international journals. He has been a recipient of prestigious Dr. I.G. Khan National Award(Indian History Congress) twice for his research works and has been a research fellow of University Grant Commission, India. His areas of interest are sacred geography of early Buddhism and Ecological conscious in Buddhism. His important books are Tourism in Ancient India, Sarnath: Antiquity and Tradition(in press), Ecological Conscious in Buddhism: Issue & Perspective(in press), Business Ethics & Indian Value System etc. He has been panelist and participant in number of international and national Buddhist conferences.