James Blumenthal
United States of America

Considering Justice in Contemporary Buddhist Thought

James Blumenthal is an Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at Oregon State University and Professor of Buddhist Studies at Maitripa College. He is the author of The Ornament of the Middle Way: A Study of the Madhyamaka Thought of ??ntarak?ita (2004), editor of Incompatible Visions: South Asian Religions in History and Culture (2006) and co-author (with GesheLhundupSopa) of Steps on the Pat: Vol IV (forthcoming 2011), a commentary on the shamatha chapter of Tsongkhapa'sLamrimChenmo, in addition to more than thirty articles on various aspects of Buddhist thought and practice. In 2004 he had the honor of translating Nâgârjuna's Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning for His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the occasion of his public teachings on the text in Los Angeles. Blumenthal is currently working on the translation of two 8th century Indian Madhyamaka texts by Ìântarakâita and Kamala??la as part of an historic concerted effort to translate the entire Tibetan canon into English and other languages. His primary research and writing is in two areas: Indo-Tibetan intellectual history, and contemporary Buddhist thinking on justice.