th en Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalay University

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In previous conferences, the United Nations Day of Vesak academic conference touched on the following themes: Buddhist Contributions to World Peace and Sustainable Development; Buddhist Contributions to Good Governance; Buddhist Approach to Political Conflict and Peace Development, the Environmental Crisis, and Economic Crisis; Global Recovery: The Buddhist Perspective; and for this year, in 2011, we address Buddhist virtues for Social and Economic Development.

Why? In previous years, we may have attempted a sort of band-aid approach: there is a wound, and we should cover it; however, this year we know that we have written well enough in the past but the views have not matured to the extent that they have now. Many of our writers have been writing for many years, and are beginning to speak with wiser words. Although the ideas remain simple, a testament to the universality of the Buddha's message, these ideas are still the tools to implement across our global civilizations.

The Buddha's message takes on socialistic tones, because our human species is not an isolated animal - we are indeed reliant on our families and communities in modern times: few of us are islands onto ourselves. We have four academic sessions in the conference this year:

Buddhist Leadership and Socio-Economic Development

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Building a Harmonious Society

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Environmental Preservation and Restoration

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Wisdom for Awakening Society

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It was the intention of the executives in the International Council for Day of Vesak to address these topics because the world has seen its share of elected leaders not living up to campaign promises - usually adopting some corporate agenda after being elected. This can lead to a polarized society, and in this sense, we need to address living together harmoniously, but not in the sense that we have spoken upon in the past: our intention this year was to start earlier in the life of a human, fostering a social environment that is free from suffering - and how can this be done? We would aspire to think that there is a type of wisdom within Buddhism that can awaken society, to put society on a proper path that is conducive to a greater socio-economic development which also preserves and restores the natural environment that we currently have remaining. It there is one thing that can be asserted: we can only improve - this advice is placed upon our papers, the readers, and those able to improve our societies.

Our expectations would include: people adhering more strictly to Buddhist principles which would subsequently empower our society to function with higher ideals; being more concerned with our society, not harming the environment and replenishing what we have taken moderately or improving what is already existing. We can think about an awakened society as one akin to a Buddhist temple or mediation center - where people are conscious of others, refrain from harming sentient beings, and replenish the environment through planting more trees, for future fruit and shade - making every place a better place - through a reduction of suffering. Any place that there is suffering, our leaders should be actively involved with addressing and attending to these circumstances.

( Illustrate by Chalermchai Kositpipat  )

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