The Most Venerable Prof. Dr. Phra Brahmapundit
Short Biography
The Most Venerable Prof. Dr. Phra Brahmapundit |
The Most Venerable Prof. Dr. Phra Brahmapundit is currently Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU), Ecclesiastical Governor of Region II, Chief Abbot of Wat Prayurawongsawat in Bangkok, and a member of the Secretariat to the Executive Committee for the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand.
He was born on September 17th, 1955, in Suphan Buri Province, and entered the monastic life as a novice at the age of 12. In 1976, while still a novice, he completed the highest degree of traditional Pali Studies in Thailand, Pali Grade IX. In the same year, His Majesty, the King of Thailand, sponsored his higher ordination in the temple of the Emerald Buddha. Two years later, he received his Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, with first-class honors, from MCU. He then entered the University of Delhi, India, where he obtained the Diploma in French, an M.A., M.Phil. and a Doctorate. His Ph.D. thesis, written in English and published as: Selflessness in SartreÂ's Existentialism and Early Buddhism, has been very popular and reprinted many times.
After receiving his Doctorate, he lectured for a time at MCU. In 1986, the Thai Sangha Supreme Council posted him to the Thai Buddhist Temple in Chicago, U.S.A. as a Dhammaduta (missionary monk). He returned to MCU to serve as Director of the Academic Division and later served as the first Dean of the Graduate school, Deputy Rector for Research and Planning, and Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs. His Holiness, the Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, made him Rector of MCU 1997, and a year later appointed him Ecclesiastical Governor of Region II covering the provinces of Ayutthaya, Saraburi, and Ang Thong.
Apart from Sangha administrative work, he is one of ThailandÂ's scholar monks, and the author of more than 60 books on Buddhism and philosophy. His published works in Thai and English include, among others, History of Greek Philosophy; A Buddhist Approach to Peace; Buddhist Morality; Buddhist Worldview; and International Recognition of the Day of Vesak.
He has been invited to give Dhamma talks on Thai radio and television and has, for the past twenty years, annually delivered lectures not only throughout Thailand but also around the world, including a series of Dhamma lectures in the United States. In 1994 alone, he presented papers at the Symposium of the General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, held in Bangkok, and at the Religious Leaders Seminar, held in connection with the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt.
In August 2000, he was invited to give a lecture, entitled A Buddhist View on Conflict Resolution, to the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations in New York. Three months later, he delivered the distinguished lecture, Buddhism Propagation for Word Peace, at the Second World Buddhist Propagation Conference (Buddhist Summit) at Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
In recognition of his academic work and dedication to society as a whole, His Majesty, the King of Thailand, on December 16, 2003, graciously appointed him to the position of Professor of Philosophy at MCU.
He was Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Second Buddhist Summit, co-hosted by MCU and the Nenbutsushu Buddhist sect of Japan. The conference was held from November 9-11, 2000 in order to exchange ideas and techniques for propagating Buddhism, to build friendships among world Buddhist leaders and to celebrate the 72nd Anniversary of the Birth of His Majesty, the King of Thailand.
In addition, he acted as Chairman of the Organizing Committee launching the Founding Meeting of the World Council of Religious Leaders (WCRL) held at Buddhamonthon and at UNESCAP from June 12-14, 2002.
Two years later, he acted similarly as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Board Meeting of the WCRL held, in conjunction with the World Youth Peace Summit (WYPS), at Buddhamonthon, from February 24-29, 2004. He once again acted as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the First International Buddhist Conference (IBC) Working as One: Buddhist Unity and Cooperation, held at Buddhamonthon and at UNESCAP, Bangkok, from July 16-20, 2004, and has, since then, been the main architect and Chairman of the United Nations Day of Vesak celebrations held in Thailand. He has continued to act as Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 2nd and 3rd IBC on the United Nations Day of Vesak, in 2005 and 2006 respectively.
He is chairman of IOC for the 4th IBC on the United Nations Day of Vesak to be held from May 26-29, 2007.
Previously known as Phra Maha Prayoon Mererk, Phra Methithammaphon, Phra Rajavaramuni, and Phra Thepsophon, he was given the new title of Phra Dharmakosajarn by His Majesty, the King of Thailand, on December 5th, 2005 in recognition of his continuing contributions to the Sangha and the broader society

Venerable Associate Professor Phra Sigambhirayan
Short Biography
Venerable Associate Professor Phra Sigambhirayan |
July 28, 2006
Birth Date
September 28, 1960
Birth Place
T. Lokklang, A. Lambalaimat, Buriram Province
Pali IX
Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Sukothai Dharma University
M.A. (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya
Ph.D. (Pali&Buddhist Studies), BHU, India
Work Experiences
Permanent Academic Division Offi cer, 1994
Acting Director of Academic Section, 1995
Director of Academic Division, 1997
Acting Deputy Dean of Graduate School, 1997
Acting Dean of Graduate School, 1998
Dean of Graduate School, 1998 (appointed fi rst time)
Dean of Graduate School, 2002 (appointed second time)
Acting Rector of Academic Section, 2006
Academic Position
Associate Professor of Department of Buddhism, Faculty of Buddhism
Inventor Advantage Award (Semadhammacakkara), a kind encourging Buddhist
Education, branch of Buddhist book writing
- Mahayana Buddhism: development and its essence (Thai edition),2000
- Buddhist Philosophy: essences and development(Thai edition), 2001
- Buddhism and modern technology(Thai edition), 2002
- Tibetan Buddhist Culture(Thai edition), 2004
Translating Works:
- development of Buddhist Ethics, 1993
- Karma and Rebirth, 1992
- Development of thoughts in the pattern of ancient Indian, 1993
- Basic Buddhist Views, 1993
- Philosophy of Nargajuna, 1993
- Mahayana Buddhism, 1993
Articles (Thai)
- Vajarayana’s analysis, 1994
- Nargajuna with contractary of time, existence, and in-existence, 1995
- Introduction to Vinayapitaka, 1995
- Philosophy of Madhyamika, 1997
- Search of Logics in Tripitaka and Buddhist Literature, 1997
- Critics of Aristotle’s middle path and Buddhist Majjhimapada of Theravada, 1998

Venerable Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso
Short Biography
Venerable Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso |
E-mail : hansa_d@hotmail.com
Curriculum vitae
Pali name : Phramaha Hansa Dhammahaso
Academic Position : MCU Instructor, Assistant Professor
Administrative Position :
Assistant to Rector for Academic Affairs, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU), Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Office of the Rector, Academic Division, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Tel. 035-248-011
- International Association of Buddhist Universities Tel. 035-248-098, Fax 035-248-099
- Wat Maiyaipan, Khwaeng Bangkhunnond, Khet Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 Tel. 02-882-4798, Fax 02-882-4797, Mobile 081-875-9154, E-mail - mailto:hansa_d@hotmail.com
Current Position:
- Secretary of Wat Maiyaipan (1999- present)
- Assistant to Abbot of Wat Maiyaipan (2001- present)
- MCU Lecturer (1 September 2005 - present)
- Lecturer in Buddhism and Modern Hermeneutics, Seminar on Buddhism and Peaceful Means Studies (Ph.D.), Buddhism and Current Affairs, Buddhist Philosophy, Seminar on Buddhism (MA), and Engaged Buddhism
- Supervised Instructor on the Diploma of the Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means at The Office of Peace and Governance, King Prajadhipok's Institute (20 April - present)
- Director of International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU)
- Director of the Languages Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Applied Buddhism and Society
- Conflict Management by Peaceful Means in Buddhism
- Buddhism and Hermeneutics on other Sciences
Education Background:
- Pali VI
- B.A. (Philosophy), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, l998.
- M.A. (Buddhist Studies), Thammasat University, 2001
- Ph.D. (Buddhist Studies), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 2005
Training Program:
- Conflict Management in Environmental Projects through Peaceful Means, The Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand and King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Basic Knowledge of Prevention and Resolution of Nature Resources and Environmental Conflict through Peaceful Means, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion (DEQP), Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Conflict Management and Apology: King Prajadhipok's Institute's Principle, Pragmatic and Policy
- Certificate Course in The Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means, 2nd Batch, King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Mini Master of Management Program, 45th Batch, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)
- Kaset Mini MBA, 43rd Batch, Kasetsart University
- Reconciliation and Apology, King Prajadhipok's Institute
- Certificate Course in Negotiation Skill on Natural Resources and Environment through Peaceful Means, 1st Batch, Bureau of Public Participatory Promotion, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Certificate Course in Training for Trainers in Prevention and Resolution of Conflict on Natural Resources and Environment through Peaceful Means, Bureau of Public Participatory Promotion, Department of Environmental Quality Promotion, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
- Certificate Course in the Efficiency of Conflict Resolution, Courts of Justice
- Certificate Course in Buddhism Propagator through Radio Broadcast, PRD Training, The Government Public Relations Department in association with Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Certificate Course in Business English, Oxford House College and Oxford School of English, Oxford, UK
- Mini MBA, Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University
Tours of Abroad Observation Experiences:
- A tour of observation and study on English use and business management at Oxford House College and Oxford School of English, Oxford, UK
- A tour of observation and study on library and usability of library at France
- Academic seminar under the topic "Interfaith Dialogue" at Nanjing, China
- Seminar under the topic "Co-operation among Religious Leaders" at Singapore
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study at Anuradhapura and Kandy, Sri Lanka
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study on "Women - Global Crisis" at Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Seminar and a tour of observation and study on "Engaged Buddhism" at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Attend the Vesak celebration at Hanoi, Vietnam - Seminar and a tour of observation and study at Dongkuk Buddhist Chonbop College, Busan, South Korea
- Seminar under the topic "Buddhism and Sacred Book Studies" at Kathmandu, Nepal
- Seminar under the topic "Engaged Buddhism" arranged by Association of Theravada Academic Buddhist Universities, Myanmar
- A tour of observation and study on modern organization management at Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Munich, Germany under the Kaset Mini MBA program, Kasetsart Business School, Kasetsart University
- Seminar and presentation on "Buddhism in the Next Decade" at Nagpur, India
- Seminar under the topic "Buddhism and Development" at Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka
Work Experiences:
- Special instructor at Pali Sueksa Buddhagosa Campus (20 May 2000 - October 2002)
- Special instructor at Graduate School, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- Supervised instructor on the Diploma of the Basic Concept Regarding Conflict Management in Public Policies by Peaceful Means at The Office of Peace and Governance, King Prajadhipok's Institute (20 April 2005 - present)
- Negotiator on environmental issues and other prosecutions
- President of the commission "Instruction book on the cautious use of Buddhism symbols" by Ministry of Culture Thailand
Lectures in Government and Individual Sectors:
- Universities such as Thammasat University, Chulalongkorn University, Chiang Mai University, Kasetsart University, Silpakorn University, Walailak University, Ramkhamhaeng University, RBAC University, ABAC University, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Prince of Songkla University, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thonburi Rajabhat University, Suratthani Rajabhat University, Boromarajonani College of Nursing in Bangkok and Nonthaburi
- Government Institutes such as Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Commerce, Court of the Region 4, Office of the Attorney General, Ministry of Industry, National Economic and Social Advisory Council, Directorate of Operations, and Lomsak Hospital
- Individual organizations such as Seven-Eleven Corporation, Charoen Pokphand Group, Pata Pinklao Department store, Thammasapa, and Thai Polycons Public Company Limited
Published Article in Thai:
- Analysis Study of Role and Importance of Neophyte in Buddhism
- Buddhist Cosmology
- New Era Monks and Buddhism Hermeneutics and Buddhism Propagation
- Patterns of Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: Concepts and Actions
- Hermeneutics on From Layman to Arahant: Relationship between Ordination and Mortality
- Are Women Buddhism's Enemies?
- Peace in the Perspective of Theravada Buddhism
- Conflict in the Perspective of Theravada Buddhism
- Conflict Management and Political Communication in Crisis, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
- Buddha as a Negotiator
- Peaceful Means: the Tools of Political Communication in Crisis
- The Age of Confliction and Discrimination: How New Era Monks Should to Interpret and Propagate Buddhism
- Buddhism and National Crisis
- Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: What? And How?
- No Fairness, No Harmony?
- Why Layman Have to Enter the Monkhood or Die?
- What is Peaceful Means, and Why?
- Peaceful Means on the Three Junctions in Current Thai Society
- Peace on the Four Standings in Current Thai Society
- Forgiveness and Conflict Management in Thai Society
- Religion and World Peace
- Axiom: Hermeneutics on Kukai's perspective
- New Era Monks and Buddhism Hermeneutics and Buddhism Propagation, Research Fund from Buddhist Studies Center, Chulalongkorn University
- The Attitude of College Students toward Translocation from Wat Mahathat to Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Wang Noi, Research Fund from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- The Analysis Study of Employment of MCU's Graduated Students, Research Fund from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Thesis on Master's Degree:
"Buddhism Crisis: Case Study of Ordination to Neophyte in Current Thai Society (1980-2000)", Thammasat University
Thesis on Doctor's Degree:
"Pattern of Conflict Management through Peaceful Means: Case Study of Mae Ta Chang Watershed, Chiang Mai Province", Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Published Articles in English:
- Interaction between Buddhism and Politics
- Buddhism is the Religion of Peace
- Buddhist Perspectives on Conflict Management
- Engaged Buddhism in Thailand
- The Outlook of Buddhism for the Modern World
- Water War of the Mae Ta Chang Basin
- Human Nature and Conflict: Buddhist Perspective
- Peace in Buddhism: An Analytical Study
- Buddhism: a Religion of Positivism or Presentism

Prof. Peter Harvey
Short Biography
Professor Emeritus of Buddhist Studies, University of Sunderland, U.K., cofounder of the U.K. Association for Buddhist Studies, editor of Buddhist Studies Review, and author of An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues (Cambridge University Press, 2000) and An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices (2nd edn, Cambridge University Press, 2013) – editor of the text, and translator of some passages in The Life of the Historical Buddha and Theravada sections.

Venerable Dr. Khammai Dhammasami
Organizing Committee (Chair)
Short Biography
Venerable Dr. Khammai Dhammasami |
Venerable Dhammasami graduated with a doctorate from Oxford and now holds
the posts of
(a) Executive Secretary of the International Association of Buddhist
Universities (IABU) and
(b) the Association of Theravada Buddhist Universities (ATBU),
(c) Fellow and Trustee of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Oxford
(d) professor at ITBM University, Myanmar. He authors among others Mindfulness
Meditation Made Easy (reprinted fi ve times & translated into Thai and Korean); his research
interest is sangha education and the Pali suttas."
Dr. Egil Lothe
Organizing Committee (Coordinator)
Short Biography
Venerable Bhante Chao Chu
Organizing Committee (Member)
Short Biography
Venerable Bhante Chao Chu |
Bhante Chao Chu is the president of the Los Angeles Buddhist Union (LABU). He studied in Hong Kong and at the University of Nanjing, China before coming to the United States in 1981. He has received a BA in Philosophy and an MA and PhD in Buddhist Studies. He has been president of the Center for Buddhist Development and an executive council member of the World Fellowship of Buddhists, World Chinese Buddhist Sangha Council, and the World Buddhist Sangha Council. Bhante Chao Chu serves as the co-chair of the Buddhist-Catholic Dialogue in Los Angeles. He is also a Buddhist representative of the Interreligious Council of Southern California.
Dr. Baidyanath Labh
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography

Dr. G.A. Somaratne
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
- A (Buddhist Philosophy), University of Kelaniya; MA (Religion) & PhD (Buddhism), Northwestern University, USA.
- Assistant Professor (2014-present), Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong.
- Senior Lecturer (2001-2005), Professor (2006-2010), & Head (2004-2007), Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya.
- Lecturer (1996-1999) & Associate Professor (2001-2002) in Religion, Miyazaki International College, Japan.
- Senior Research Associate (1993-1995), Balliol College, University of Oxford.
- Research Fellow (1993-1995), Pali Text Society, Oxford.
- Co-Director (2010-2014), Dhammachai Tipitaka Project, Thailand.
- Co-founder (2009) & Rector (2010-2012), Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy.
- Chairperson (2005-2008), Arts Faculty Higher Degrees Committee, University of Peradeniya.
- Joint-Secretary (2002-2015), Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies.
- Editor of The Samyuttanikãya Volume I (1998), Pali Text Society, Oxford.
Dr. Premasiri Pahalawattage
CBT Compiling Committee
Click to view Biography
Dr. Premasiri Pahalawattage |
Education :
B.A. Ceylon; B.A;
M.A. Cantab.
Ph.D. Hawaii
Buddhist Projects/Experiences :
President, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy; President Centre for Buddhism (International), Kandy; President, Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies
Work Experiences :
Served 20years in the Department of Philosophy and 23 years in the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Served as visiting Professor at Colby College, Maine, Washington State University, Pullman, and Colgate University Hamilton, USA for periods ranging from one semester to one academic year.
Present Roles :
Teaching postgraduate degree courses at the University of Peradeniya, Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies and the Sri Lanka International Buddhist Academy, Pallekele

Dr. Tamas Agocs
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Dr. Tamas Agocs gratuated in 1991 from the University of Budapest in English and Tibetan and gained his PhD in 1998 in Tibetan Buddhist Studies. He has studied Buddhist theory and practice with a number of Eastern and Western teachers from different traditions. He has taught Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy at the Department of Central Asian Studies of Budapest University, and more recently at the Dharma Gate Buddhist College of Budapest, Hungary, where he has been Head of Buddhist Department, Head of East-West Research Institute, and Vice-Rector for International Affairs. As a translator of Buddhist texts he has published three books and over ten articles in Hungarian language. He acted as an Assistant Secretary of the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU) from 2007 to 2012. Since 2013 he has worked as a member of the Padma Karpo Translation Committee centered in Kathmandu, Nepal. He is main compiler and translator of the Vajrayäna sections of the “Common Buddhist Text”.

Dr. Scott Wellenbach
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Senior Editor and Translator, Nalanda Translation Committee, Canada.

Venerable Prof. Dr. Jinwol Lee (Young Ho Lee)
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Venerable Prof. Dr. Jinwol Lee (Young Ho Lee) |
Dr. Jinwol Y. H. Lee is a Buddhist Monk and Zen Master. He belongs to Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, the major traditional Mahayana Buddhism in Korea, and serves as the President's Special Adivisor for International Affairs. He has been the President of URI Korea Multiple Cooperation Circle and a trustee of the URI Global Council, elected in the Asian Region since 2002. Formerly a professor of Buddhist Studies at the Seoul Graduate School of Buddhism and the Dean of Religious Affairs of Dongguk University in Seoul, Jinwol is now a professor teaching Buddhist meditation and culture at the Department of Seon (Chan/Zen) Studies of Dongguk University, Gyeongju Campus, a thousand old capital city of Silla Dynasty. He is working as a Vice President of WFB, the oldest and largest Buddhist global organization around the world. He was a member of the Presidential Commission on Sustainable Development in South Korea. Having taken modern scholarship in 1984, he graduated from Dongguk, a Buddhist University then from Sogang, a Jesuit University in 1986. In 1990, he earned a masters degree (M.A. in Religious Studies) from the Graduate School of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. In 1998, he obtained a Ph.D from the University of California at Berkeley.
Education:Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from University of California, Berkeley
M.A. in Religious Studies from University of Hawaii, Manoa
Buddhist Projects/Experiences:Buddhist Meditation Practice since 1969
Work Experiences: Presidential Committee Member of Sustainable Development,
Republic of Korea
Present Roles: Vice President of WFB; Secretary General of URI

Venerable Prof. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Venerable Prof. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu |
Vice Rector, Vietnam Buddhist University, Ho Chi Minh City.

Prof. Dr. Le Mahn That
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Professor Le Manh That (Most Ven. Thich Tri Sieu) is not only an extraordinary Buddhist scholar, but a national and international hero as well. His courage is an inspiration to the Vietnamese people and the Human Rights Community worldwide.Born in 1944 in Quang Tri provine, Ven. Le Manh That ordained at the age of twelve.He received his BA in Philosophy and Pedagogy from the University of Saigon in 1965 and his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in 1974 for his research on Vasubandhu.He thereafter lectured and pursued research at the Van Hanh University and the Van Hanh Buddhist Research institute in the fields of Indic languages and philosophy and the history of Vietnamese Buddhism.
In 1984, Ven. Le Manh That was arrested for political reasons. He was held for four years without trial, and was sentenced to death in 1988, unjustly convicted of plotting to overthrow the People's Government. Due to national and international outrage, Ven. Le Manh That's sentence was commuted to 20 years in prison. He served half of this time, much of it in solitary confinement, in Camp Z230A, Dong Nai, before being released in 1998.

Prof. Philip Stanley
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
PhD, University of Virginia
MBA, University of Michigan
MA, University of Virginia
BA, University of North Carolina-At-Chapel-Hill
Areas of Specialization:
Buddhist Canon
Shambala Training
Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism
A member of the Nalanda Translation Committee, Phil has been a student of Trungpa Rinpoche since 1974 and has taught Buddhism and Shambhala Training since 1981. In this time he developed the first-year primer of literary Tibetan used at Naropa. Phil is a member of the Executive Council of the International Association of Buddhist Universities. He is co-director of the Tibetan Buddhist Canonical Collections Cataloging Project of the Tibetan Himalayan Library which launched an online catalog of multiple editions of the Tibetan Kangyur and Tengyur collections, with links to scans of all 5,000 plus texts. He also leads the Union Catalog of Buddhist Texts project that is launching a prototype online catalog of all the major Buddhist canonical collections. Phil received a Fulbright-Hays Fellowship for doctoral research on the nine-vehicle texts of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. Currently, Phil is writing a book on the canons of Buddhism and the history of the Tibetan Buddhist canon.

Venerable Dr. Yuan Ci
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Dean of Post-Graduate Studies, Buddhist Academy of China.
David Welsh
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Graduate Researcher, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages,
University of Oslo, Norway
Most Venerable Thich Tue Sy
CBT Compiling Committee
Short Biography
Most Venerable Thich Tue Sy |
Professor Emeritus of Buddhist Studies at Van Hanh University, Vietnam

The Most Venerable Dr. Pategama Gnanarama has been the resident monk and Chief Religious Advisor to Ti-Sarana Buddhist Association since 1993. He is a well-acclaimed Buddhist scholar in the academic world with many English and Sinhala publications to his credit.
A graduate of University of Ceylon and University of London, he holds the distinction of two post-graduate degrees from Sri Jayawardhanapura University of Sri Lanka and University of Magadh, India.
He has gained experience and recognition having been attached to educational institutions at various levels from High School to Universities in Sri Lanka and abroad.
The Most Venerable Dr. Pategama Gnanarama is concurrently the incumbent Chief Priest of Purvaramaya, Gunasingha Pura in Sri Lanka as well as the Principal of the Buddhist and Pali College, Singapore.

Ven. Professor Geshe Ngawang Samten (b. 1956) is a Professor of Indian Buddhist Philosophy of Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi, and had served as the Vice Chancellor of the University for the last more than one decade.. He is educated both in the modern system as well as in the traditional Tibetan monastic system. He has important publications to his credit. and the most recent one is The Ocean of Reasoning, (Oxford University Press, New York) an annotated English translation of the most comprehensive commentary on Nagarjuna’s Mulamadhyamaka Karika by the Tibetan master-philosopher Tsong-Kha-Pa. He has scores of papers in various learned anthologies published in India and abroad.
He has been Visiting Professor in various Universities and colleges in USA, Australia, Europe, Russia an various Asian countries. He has also been instrumental in promoting Buddhist Studies in India. He is on numerous bodies of Universities and other academic organizations within and outside India, and expert committees of the Ministries of Government of India. In 2009, he was decorated with Padma Shri by the President of India in recognition of his distinguished services in the fields of education and literature.

Lewis Lancaster is Emeritus Professor of the Department of East Asian Languages at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, and has served as President, Adjunct Professor, and Chair of the dissertation committee at University of the West since 1992. He graduated from Roanoke College (B.A.) in 1954 and received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Roanoke in 2007. He is also a 1958 graduate of USC-ST (M.Th.) and a 1968 graduate of the University of Wisconsin (Ph.D.). He received an Honorary Doctorate of Buddhist Studies from Vietnam Buddhist University in 2011.
Professor Lancaster has published over 55 articles and reviews and has edited or authored numerous books including Prajnaparamita and Related Systems, The Korean Buddhist Canon, Buddhist Scriptures, Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, and Assimilation of Buddhism in Korea. He also founded the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative to use the computer-based technology to map the spread of Buddhism from the remote past to the present. In 2008 he gave the Burke Lectureship on Religion & Society. Professor Lancaster is the research advisor for the Buddha's Birthday Education Project. He was the Chair of Buddhist Studies at UC, Berkeley, USA and Editor of the Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series.
Professor Lancaster is the research adviser for the Buddha's Birthday Education Project, which has documented and hosted art exhibitions of the celebration of the Buddha's birthday in Chinese Buddhism throughout history.
Professor Lancaster was a key figure in the creation of descriptive catalogue and digitization of the Korean Buddhist Canon. He was awarded the 2014 Grand Award from the Korean Buddhist Order for his contribution to Buddhism.

Sri Lanka
Prof. Dr. Sumanapala Galmangoda is a Senior Professor and the Director of Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies in University of Kelaniya and is also the Head of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies in University of Kelaniya. He has 25 years of experience in teaching Pali, Sanskrit, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Culture and Buddhist Psychology in the University level and 20 years of experience as a supervisor in Buddhist studies leading to the degrees MA, MPhil and PhD. He is the acting director of the Ayurvedic Institute of the University of Kelaniya. He founded the Ayurvedic section of the Papiliyana Sunetra Mahadhevi Pirivena and has 3 years of experience in conducting the Buddhist Ayurvedic Counseling programme in Sri Lanka with the assistance of the World Health Organization’s South East Asia Centre. He does extensive research on the ability of Buddhist Ayurvedic practices in curing mental illnesses.

Prof. Christopher Key Chapple is Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology at LMU, where he directs the Master of Arts in Yoga Studies. He began his studies of Tibetan and Sanskrit as an undergraduate, and has published more than one hundred articles and more than a dozen books. Chris currently serves as a Steward of the InsightLA Benedict Canyon project and on the advisory boards of the Forum on Religion and Ecology (Yale), the Ahimsa Center (Pomona), and the Green Yoga Association (Oakland).
Sri Lanka
Formerly, Head of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka; Director of Research, Professor of Buddhist Philosophy and the Dean of the Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka.
Presently, the Chairman of the National Library and Documentation Services Board, Government of Sri Lanka.
Co-editor of “2600 years of Sambuddhatva – A Journey of Buddhism”, published by the Government of Sri Lanka.

CHAIR of the Society for the Wider Understanding of the Buddhist Tradition (So-Wide)
Geoffrey Bamford gained a 1st class degree in Sanskrit and Pali from Oxford University in 1970, then did 4 years’ postgraduate work, both in Oxford (at Wolfson College) and in Sri Lanka and India (on a Commonwealth Scholarship). From 1974 he was had a business career; from 1986 to 2000, he ran an independent consultancy specialising in cross-cultural communication issues. Since 2003/4, he has worked full-time for this project pro bono. Due to the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies becoming more established and employing administrative support staff, Geoffrey is reducing his involvement and spending more time with his family in Devon.

Chairman, Buddhist Healthcare Chaplaincy Group and member of MFGHC
Keith Munnings has worked as a Buddhist Healthcare Chaplain in England for the past 9 years, providing spiritual and religious care for those who are sick or dying. He has been involved in developing an endorsing process for Buddhist Healthcare Chaplains working within the NHS and other healthcare settings and had developed and taught programmes to prepare Buddhists from different traditions to take up this work. He is currently Vice-Chair of the Healthcare Faith and Belief Group, a national body comprising chaplains from the major world faiths working together to better respond to patient and staff needs within healthcare settings and to assure public institutions of the good standing of potential chaplains. He also works as a University Chaplain and has started working with patients in a semi-secure context.
Keith’s career has been as a practising secondary teacher and now as a teacher trainer. He practices within the Samatha tradition and has taught Samatha meditation for the past thirty years.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Royal Angkor Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
Secretary of the Board of Trustees
Dhammadipa Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
H.E. Janos JELEN was a former diplomat for 25 years and ambassador to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. He has been elected for the second time by the Senate of the Dharma Gate Buddhist College to serve as the Rector, approved by the Dharma Gate Buddhist Church and also by the Prime Minister of Hungary to serve until April 14, 2019. He graduated in the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1978 and specialized on diplomacy. He also served in the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) as Deputy-Director of the Civil Administration of Siem Reap province in 1992/1993. He took refuge in the Dhamma from the Most Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh in 2013 and since he is a member of the Hungarian sangha under Master Jan Boswijk. He is a lecturer at the DGBC, reading about the history of Buddhism in Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan. He is also one of the founders of the Dhammapada Foundation, Hungary that intends to establish the first Theravada monastery in Hungary. He is currently a member of ExCo of ICDV.

1987: M.A. from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest (Bp.); 1997: Ph.D. from Vanderbilt Univ., Nashville, TN. Post-Graduate Studies at ELTE, Bp.
1997–2000: Chair, Dept. of Buddhist Studies, DBC, Bp; 2004–2006: Guest lecturer, Graduate School, Dept. of Philosophy and Hist. of Sci., Bp. University of Technology; 2008– Professor, DBC, Bp.; 2015– Director, East-West Research Institute, Budapest; 2012-Editor in chief, Wheel-Tracks (Keréknyomok), Journal of DBC, Bp.
Participation with invited papers in all the four previous World Sanskrit Conferences. Helsinki, 2003; Edinburgh, 2006, Kyoto, 2009; New Delhi, 2012. Vedic, Sanskrit and Buddhist subjects (the Rigveda, Dïrghatamas, Vedic rituals, Nägärjuna's philosophy)
Many articles and translations, incl. selected hymns from the Rgveda; Early Upanisads; Dhammapada and Yogasütra; as well as A. N. Whitehead: Process and Reality (with G. Karsai)
2009– International Association of Sanskrit Studies (IASS); 2006– Hungarian Philosophical Society; 1994–1997;
2012–2015: National Accreditational Committee of The Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Erudite-Scholar in Residence, Programme of the Kerala State Higher Education Council, 2011–12, Dept. of Sanskrit, Kerala University, Kariavattom, India

Professor Georges Nguyen , 74 years old (born in Vietnam), French nationality, living in France.
Dharma name : Prajnanando (Tue Lac in Vietnamese)
Ancien student of Nalanda Pálì Institute, Magadh University, Darbhanga University, Patna University (Archaeology), India, and Paris University.
Ancien Secretary of The Vietnamese Theravádin Sangha Council (before 1966).
Retired journalist and Emeritus Professor of Oriental philosophy, since 2005.
Writer and Translater of 22 books in Vietnamese and in French, of which “THE REBIRTH EXPLAINED BY SCIENCE” and "THE KARMA COLLECTVE" in Vietnamese, are very appreciated.
Founder of The Buddhist website Paris, named “tuelac.net” (in Vietnamese).
Teaching actually the Buddhism concerning the Abhidharma.
Rev. Sam Haycraft, International Order of Buddhist Ministers.
Dharma lecture and Meditation Teacher, Hu Kuo Temple Anaheim, CA. IOBM Ordination; Rosemead Buddhist Monastery,
Rosemead, CA 1995. LLB San Francisco Law School 1965.
Pali 9, B.A. with the first class honour, B.Ed. (Educational Administration) with the first class honour, M.A. (Philosophy) with the gold medal, Ph.D. (Philosophy)
Experience Head of Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University,
Chairperson of M.A. Program in Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University
Fields of Interest/Specialization Buddhism, Buddhist Philosophy
Sarah Shaw went to Manchester University, where she did a doctorate in
English. After studying Pali and Sanskrit at Oxford she started
teaching and writing on Buddhist subjects.
She has written several books on meditation, in theory and practice,
and jätaka literature. She has published a new book this year, The
Spirit of Buddhist Meditation, with Yale University Press. She is a
member of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, and
Wolfson College. She is a fellow of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist