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สดจากงาน เฉลิมฉลอง "พุทธชยันตี : ๒๖๐๐ ปี แห่งการตรัสรู้ขององค์พระพุทธเจ้า" |
For the events of Buddhajayanti:
The Celebration of 2600 Years of Buddha's Enlightenment. |
ภาพวิดิทัศน์เหตุการณ์สำคัญ |
Hi-Resolution Photo |
จากงาน เฉลิมฉลอง "พุทธชยันตี : ๒๖๐๐ ปี แห่งการตรัสรู้ขององค์พระพุทธเจ้า" |
From 13 countries to celebrate
The Celebration of 2,600 Years of
Buddha's Enlightenment. |

We, the participants from 61 countries and regions of the International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak at Buddhamonthon, Nakhon Pathom and at the United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok from May 26-29, 2007 (B.E. 2550), gratefully acknowledging that the Conference has been generously supported by the Royal Government of Thailand and the Supreme Sangha Council of Thailand when the entire Kingdom of Thailand is joyfully celebrating the 80th Auspicious Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, have unanimously resolved the following:
With full reference to the resolution approved on 15th December 1999 at the General Assembly of the United Nations, Session No. 54, Agenda Item 174, a joint proposal by representatives from 34 countries, that Vesak, which falls on the Full Moon day in the month of May, be internationally recognized and observed at the United Nations Headquarters and its Regional Offices from the Year 2000 onwards, the United Nations Day of Vesak will be jointly celebrated by all Buddhist traditions;
Furthermore, to consolidate mutual understanding and cooperation amongst all Buddhist traditions, organizations and individuals through ongoing dialogue between Buddhist leaders and scholars,
It has been decided to disseminate the following message of peace based on the Buddha's teaching of wisdom and compassion.
to further enhance cooperation between all schools of Buddhism to strengthen unity and solidarity among Buddhists;
to acknowledge the generosity of and the crucial role played by the Kingdom of Thailand in hosting the United Nations Day of Vesak in the past four years, and to approve and support the Socialist Republic of Vietnam as the host for 2008;
to re-affirm Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University as the permanent venue of the International Secretariat for the International Organizing Committee for the United Nations Day of Vesak;
to promote through Buddhist principles socially engaged actions and urge the Buddhist leaders to take a leading role on moral and ethical issues, in particular, on social justice, respect equal opportunities, good governance and transparency;
to acknowledge the inspiration that many countries and regions, and in particular, the Buddhist world and the UNDP, have towards His Majesty the King of Thailand on good governance and development throughout His Reign over sixty years;
to support the 2nd World Buddhist Forum to be held in China in 2008;
to continue the electronic Buddhist library project, started initially last year as a partnership between Buddha Dharma Education and BuddhaNet and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, and to record the strong interest in the project by the many Buddhist Higher Institutions present at this conference;
to continue the project of compiling an informed work on Buddhism to be freely distributed to hotels worldwide;
to reiterate the appeal to all parties, the United Nations, UNESCO and concerned governments and agencies to preserve both the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Buddhists, and to encourage visit to Buddhist holy sites as part of their revitalization;
to record the historic formation at this conference and support the function and growth in every means possible of the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU), comprising some eighty Buddhist Higher Education Institutions from twenty-two countries and regions;
to hold the 2nd symposium of the International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU) which will be hosted by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in 2008 in Bangkok and to rejoice in the generosity of the same university for undertaking to fund, at least for one year, the International Secretariat of the IABU; and
to highlight at every level the effective and scientific values of Buddhist meditation in human development, and to encourage both traditional means and modern technology in dissemination of the teaching of the Buddha, and to also raise awareness on the proper and respectful use of Buddha images.
Dated: May 29 2007/2550.